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Expedition to the Jurassic Coast

After the great success of the Snowdon trip last year, the Activities Team were keen to organise another exciting expedition. Two weeks ago, staff and residents of YMCA Milton Keynes embarked on a 3-day walking trip to the Jurassic Coast, in the South of England.

The weather didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the team as they left MK. They even managed to stop off and explore Corfe Castle whilst en route to Swanage. As the day of the walk approached, some residents felt slightly apprehensive about the day ahead but whilst preparing their packed lunches, looking at the route and chatting about their nerves, staff soon put their minds at rest. As they set off on a 6-hour hike along the coastal paths of the Jurassic coast, stunning scenery and team camaraderie made this walk an experience to remember. Some of the residents got to experience some sea fishing and all ended the day with a refreshing swim in the sea.

“It felt nice to go outside of the YMCA, as sometimes it can feel claustrophobic in here. The sense of freedom and experiencing new things at the coast was brilliant!” YMCA resident.

Trips like this build confidence, self-esteem and really do make memories for life 😀

We are so proud of our young people and what they can achieve with the right support.

We want or say a huge thank you to Lynn McBrearty for fundraising and making this amazing trip possible and the activities team for making the trip a reality.

“We had a brilliant few days in Swanage, and it was wonderful to see our residents get involved and achieve great things. We are already looking forward to our next adventure!” Mark Smith, Head of Resident Development.

Want to support our next trip? Get in touch with fundraising@mkymca.com.