YMCA Milton Keynes
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Support and Advice

Support & Advice

A safe place to talk and get help through guided groups, mentoring, counselling, and mental health services.

YMCA MK offers more than just a physical home. Our holistic approach ensures that our residents can access a wide range of support to meet their personal needs. Staff guide residents through our pathway of support, ensuring that by the time they move on, our young people have the tools and resources that they need to thrive.

If you are in urgent need of help, contact Milton Keynes Council by calling 01908 691691 for emergency information and advice.

Support Sessions

At YMCA Milton Keynes, every young person has a friendly key worker who’s there to support their mental health and wellbeing. Whether it’s a planned chat or a quick catch-up when you need it, they’ve got your back.

Your key worker will take time to get to know you first—because trust and understanding come before anything else. Once you’re ready, they’ll help you set goals and make plans for your future.

We believe in focusing on what makes you strong, not just the tough stuff you’ve been through. That means we look at your skills, talents, and dreams to help you move forward in a way that works for you.

Sometimes life can feel a bit overwhelming, and that’s okay. Your key worker will help you figure out what you need to feel better and work with you to set goals that make a real difference.

When it’s time to move on from YMCA MK, we want you to feel happy, healthy, and excited for what’s next!

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Mental Wealth

More than 60% of young people at YMCA Milton Keynes say they struggle with their mental health. Sometimes, they need extra support—and that’s where our Mental Wealth service comes in!

Thanks to funding from The National Lottery in 2023, we’ve completely changed the way we support mental health. Mental Wealth gives you access to a team of experts, including a psychologist and a specialist mental health nurse. This means you can get diagnosed and treated for things like ADHD and autism right here at YMCA MK, without long waits or stress.

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As part of the holistic support at YMCA MK our activities team are available to provide opportunities to improve emotional health in fun, interesting and inspiring ways for all residents.

From football to film nights, boxing to baking we run a weekly programme of physical and therapeutic-based activity sessions.

Activities help residents find their community and settle into life at YMCA MK in a safe and supportive environment.

The team also run an Independent Living Skills programme which helps build skills, improve well-being and self-esteem to support young people into sustainable and meaningful employment and gain long-term independence.

Activities Timetable
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Whether residents need help with anxiety or low-mood or more specialist support with past trauma, Mental Wealth will ensure they get the support they need, when they need it.


Supporting Wellbeing


young people engaged with Mental Wealth


one-to one support session were provided


hours of meaningful activities were provided

Our keyworkers drop anything to make sure we’re ok. They put us first, even above themselves. They could have all kinds of things going on at home, but they come in to help us.