YMCA Milton Keynes

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Housing Request Form

  • Please enter a number from 18 to 35.
  • Select date DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • If you have a parental responsibility for children but they do not live with you, you can tick this. If you are not eligible, please see this website for other options available.
  • If you are not eligible, please see this website for other options available.
  • Please note that your employment status does not have an impact on your application. It is used solely to determine which level of our service is best suited to you.
  • Please use this field if you wish to briefly provide any additional information.
  • At YMCA Milton Keynes we collect and store information about you on our secure database. We do this for two main reasons, firstly in our role as landlord we have a legal obligation to hold information related to your licence agreement and contract of stay with us. Secondly, we hold information for legitimate interest reasons that allows us to undertake our work as a supported housing provider such as information about your wellbeing, education and employment etc. I fully understand that YMCA Milton Keynes may contact the Police and other professional bodies. I authorise YMCA Milton Keynes to assess my needs and suitability for the service. I declare that the information I’ve given to YMCA Milton Keynes, and any documents I have submitted, is true and that I have answered the questions fully and accurately.