YMCA Milton Keynes
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Strategic Plan

Growing Together

Welcome to our new three-year strategy, Growing Together. This strategic plan was produced at a time of great transition for YMCA MK. In 2021 we entered our 40th year, having recently demolished all our old buildings and moved into a fabulous and brand-new campus facility.

Historically, we have helped 10,000 young people through our housing services, and we now have the means to help many more in our state-of-the-art campus.

We know what young people can achieve with the right help and guidance. This drives our commitment to ensuring that all young people in MK have a safe place to stay, where they will be given the support and tools needed to thrive. In this strategy, we share with you how we will achieve our vision and aspiration, and highlight the need for the involvement of the wider community to address the urgent demand for more affordable housing and employment opportunities for young people.