YMCA Milton Keynes

Personnel & Training Committee

Terms of Reference

  • Minimum of three trustees will be appointed by the Board
  • Executive members at CEO and Director level
  • Special HR Advisors who are contracted to work for the YMCA
  • Individuals and organisations with professional expertise in Personnel and Training may be co-opted
  • The Board appoints the Committee annually.
  • The Committee is accountable to the Board on all matters.
  • The Committee is authorised to advise and recommend on all matters which have been delegated by the Board.
  • Minutes will be forwarded to the Board at the next available meeting.
Areas of Responsibility which have been Delegated by the Board.

The committee is responsible for:

  • Setting appropriate Human Resource policies and monitoring them for effectiveness
  • Compliance with prevailing UK employment legislation and associated legislation such as, but not restricted to data protection, equal opportunities, anti-bribery
  • Ensuring proper, up-to-date personnel records are kept
  • Agreement of Job Evaluation and Grading systems and associated pay scale.
  • Agreeing new staff structures and new staff roles (unless already agreed by the Board in the Strategic Plan)
  • Approval of training plans and budgets.
  • Setting and monitoring of work review/pay progression standards.
  • Advising on and recommending the annual pay award.
  • To develop the work of the Milton Keynes YMCA in accordance with its stated Aims and Purposes, Mission Statement, Strategic Plan and Annual Business Plan.
  • To ensure best practice in Equal Opportunities and Diversity in all areas of its work and in accordance with the Equality Act (2010) and Milton Keynes YMCA Equal Opportunities Policy.
  • To become aware of all relevant areas of work within the Milton Keynes YMCA and the wider YMCA.
  • Approve the terms of engagement of professional HR advice.
  • To obtain specialist knowledge and an awareness of trends relevant to the areas of responsibility, through professional HR advisors and other sources where relevant
  • To demonstrate openness and the wish to be accountable and democratic.
  • To provide a source of potential Board members who can bring additional time and expertise in advising the Association.
  • To advise and support the professional staff in all matters pertaining to the areas of responsibility.
  • To be innovative regarding the specific objectives relating to the areas of
  • To be committed to the whole Milton Keynes YMCA and its whole person approach, especially relating to the Association’s Christian emphasis.
  • To consider needs and trends of the local community.
  • The Committee will meet at least three times per year, more often if necessary.
  • The Chairperson will be a Board member.
  • A minimum of three trustees must be consulted (i.e., views sought if not able to be present at the meeting) when delegated decisions are made by the Committee
  • The Committee will report to the Board at each Board meeting, and between Board meetings where there are matters needing an urgent decision or attention (i.e., via email, video conference call etc.).
Areas of responsibility to the chair

The responsibility of the Chairperson is to ensure that the meeting gets through its business whilst making the best use of all participants.

The Chairperson will:

  • ensure the efficient conduct of the business of the Committee and, in particular, ensure that the views of all members are sought before any important decision is taken
  • establish a constructive working relationship with, and provide support for, the Chief Executive of the Association and the Office Manager
  • ensure that the Committee delegates sufficient authority to the Chief Executive or others to enable the business of the Association to be carried on effectively between meetings and also to ensure that the Committee monitors the use of these delegated powers
  • ensure that the Committee receives professional advice from HR advisors when it is needed
  • review the composition of the Committee and its Members and to recommend action to remedy any deficiencies
  • ensure, in conjunction with the Board of Management, that the performance of the CEO is appraised annually
  • be involved in and advise on the appointment and remuneration of the CEO, supporting the Board and Board Chair
  • agree the appointment of Directors (Senior Executive Team) with the CEO
Areas of responsibility for professional HR advisors

Professional HR advisors provide advice and guidance on HR matters to YMCA Milton Keynes on a Consultancy basis as outlined within the agreed Terms of Engagement and associated Terms and Conditions.

Such advice is provided via telephone, email, Teams/Zoom or face to face as required.

Advice and guidance includes matters arising during the employment lifecycle including but not limited to:

  • Under performance
  • Misconduct
  • Absence concerns
  • Holiday entitlements
  • Statutory leave entitlements (e.g., maternity, shared parental leave)
  • Maintenance of policy, process and contractual documents
  • Policy and process advice, including on recruitment as required
  • Provision of letters/other supporting documentation
  • Attendance at Personnel Committee meetings
  • Support to the internal Office Administrator

Professional HR advisors do not manage HR administration and record keeping.

Common responsibilities

All Committee members share responsibility for its decisions. Each should act only in the interests of the Association and not on behalf of any constituency or interest group.

Committee members should ensure their private interests do not come into conflict with their role on the Committee.